To Authors

A new way to spread free of charge your scientific work.
Combined Communication: Electronic Publication (Internet) + Traditional Publication (on Paper)

Relata Technica publishes scientific papers concerned with dermopharmacological research, dermopharmaceutical technology and related cosmetic subjects.

E-Mail your Paper to Relata Technica at Scientific Press Office:

  • Your abstract will be published in real time on this Site
  • The complete Paper will be published in A4 format and then sent to 4300 names of dermopharmaceutical and cosmetic sector
  • 25 copies will be sent free of charge to each author

Rules to comply with

  • E-Mail your Paper in Word 2000 for Windows format, tables and pictures included, A4 size.
  • Submitted texts should not have been published previously or be submitted elsewhere for publication.
  • The title page of the Paper should include the name, the address and affiliation of each Author.
  • Each Paper must be written in English and should be preceded by a brief abstract of 250 words or less, as well as Key Words.
  • The submitted Paper must refer to an original and proper experimental study and therefore requires an exact description of study methods for the reproduction of the experiment.
  • All Papers presented before a meeting or seminar should fully identify the title and the date of the meeting.
  • References should be numbered in the order in which they are quoted in the text and should be listed in numerical order at the end of the text under "References".
  • References must appear in the following form:
    for a journal:
    • Wiedow, O., Young, J.A., Davison, M.D., Christophers, E.: Antileukoprotease in Psoriatic Scales, J Invest Dermatol 1993; 101:305-309.

    for a book:
    • Reïs, T.: Introduction à la chimie-physique des surfaces, Dunod, Paris 1952, pp. 61-66.

    for a paper in a book:
    • Richard, E.F.: "Medicated" Cosmetics and Toiletries. In De Navarre, G.: The Chemistry and Manufacture of Cosmetics, Continental Press, Orlando Florida (USA) 1975, pp. 607-624.

    Information to Authors

    • Authors contribute to Relata Technica free of charge and, as stated above, will automatically receive 25 copies following publication of their Paper.
    • All rights reserved. No total or partial reproduction of the articles and illustrations in any manner or by any means will be allowed without written permission from the publisher.
    • The opinions expressed by the Authors do not necessarily reflect the point of view of the Editorial Staff.
    • Our Referee will confirm you the publication.